Off-Street Platform Edge - Surface Mounted Tactile Paving
Platform Edge Warning Surface (Off-Street) Tactiles warn visually impaired people of the edge of all off-street railway platforms.
The raised blisters can be read by foot or cane, warning the pedestrian of the approach to a railway platform edge.
View ProductCorduroy Warning Surface - Tactile Paving
Corduroy Hazard Warning Tactile Surfaces are designed to warn visually impaired people of the presence of specific hazards: steps, level crossings, or the approach to on street light rapid transit (LRT) platforms.
It is also used where a foot-way joins a shared route. It conveys the message ‘hazard, proceeds with caution’.
View ProductBlister Tactile Paving (400mm x 400mm)
Blister Paving Surfaces are designed to warn partially sighted and visually impaired people, who would otherwise find it difficult to notice the difference between where the footpath ends and the road begins.
The tactile prescence makes it easier for individuals to identify where drop kerbs and road crossings are located.
Highway Blister Tactiles have been designed to aid visually impaired and blind pedestrians when navigating towns and cities. ​
View ProductGuidance Path - Tactile Paving
Guidance Path Tactile Surfaces are used to guide visually impaired people along a route when the traditional cues, such as a property line or kerb edge are not available.
It can also be used to guide people around obstacles, for example, street furniture in a pedestrianised area.
The surface has been designed so that people can be guided along the route either by walking on the tactile surface or by maintaining contact with a long cane.
View ProductSegregated Shared Cycle Track - Tactile Paving
Cycle Track Tactile Paving Surfaces are designed to be used as part of a segregated shared cycle track and pedestrian footway.
The tactile paving system segregates both sides of the track, and advises visually impaired people of the correct side to enter to provide clear guidance and prevent collisions.
View ProductTactile Paving Adhesive
Tactile Paving Adhesive (2.92 KG)
Suitable for all types of SureGRP Surface Mounted Tactile Paving Surfaces.
1 Tub (2.92kg) provides a suitable coverage for 1no. Box of Tactile Paving Tiles.